
I graduated 45 years ago with about 220 other people from Cumberland Valley High School in central Pennsylvania, just on the other side of the river from Harrisburg.  You remember how at your 10th year reunion, they had a small "in memoriam" passage in the back of the program guide, just enough to accommodate the names of the two or three people who'd been unfortunate enough to have checked out since graduation, usually by way of a grisly automobile accident.  By the time you get to the 45th, that takes up a page and a half.

I hadn't seen any of the people there in 25 years, and the universal response when I told people I was a lawyer was, "I always knew you'd be a lawyer."  That felt good.  Well, yeah, I know it beats, "Gee, I always figured you'd wind up as a Tier III Sex Offender."   But it was more than that.  This is what I've always wanted to do, and people knew that from early on. 

The trip takes about five hours, so I had lots of time to think.  One of the things I thought about was this blog.  My readership's down about 25% in the last six months.  A lot of it, I think, has to do with me getting away from why I started doing this.  The original purpose of this was a place where small firm and solo practitioners could drop by in the morning and find something which would help them in their practice, and would be interesting to read.  I've gone a little overboard with the analysis end of it.  And it's more boring.  Sometimes when I go back over my old stuff, I'll be pleased with a nice turn of the phrase, or my take on a particular subject, like rowdy fans or the benefits criminals gain from wearing glasses, at least at trial.  I don't see much of that anymore.

So I'm going to spend some time retooling here over the next couple weeks.  I'll keep some of the things, like the weekly case update and the look at the 8th District opinions, but I'm going to punch that up a bit, make it more down to earth and a little more user-friendly.  The other days I'm going to take at something you might want to know about, or something you'd enjoy reading about.  And this is Wide Web World; maybe jazz this place up a little as far as graphical content.

I'll be back with the normal stuff next Monday and Tuesday.  After that, we'll  see where we go.  And if you're a regular reader of this blog and what to drop me an email to let me know your thoughts, I'd appreciate that, too.
