Public Service Announcement

I know, my grand reopening is tomorrow, but one of my peeps, Bret Crow, is Public Information Officer for the Supreme Court, and he sent me an email this morning. Seems that effective the 1st of the coming year, the new Supreme Court Rules of Practice goes into effect. Although fans of Palantino Linotype will be overjoyed to find their font among those approved for use in pleadings before the court, the changes seem mostly cosmetic -- Bret's major concern is that the Rules have been "reordered and renumbered," and, knowing his target demographic, that this "may cause some fits for attorneys who regularly practice here." He asked me if I'd consider running "a public service type announcement about this on the blog."

Consider it done. As the full press release notes, the purpose of the changes was to present a "more logical ordering of the rules" in an effort to help attorneys and litigants. As I explained yesterday, my plate runneth over in terms of cases, so I can't discuss them in detail, but since there are few substantive changes, there's little point in my doing that. You can get the complete text of the amendments here, so get on with your bad self and do some reading over the holidays. Let's put it this way, if the clerk sends something back because you didn't do something you were supposed to, you can't say, "Alas! If only Bensing would have written about it in his blog!"
