Summer's over

After 19 years of school, it was about five years after I passed the bar before I stopped thinking of the year as starting in September.

So, the summer's over, and the Briefcase will be undergoing some changes. First, we're back to our ordinary schedule of posting five days a week.

What will we talk about? We'll continue the regular features -- the Case Update on Mondays, recapping the decisions from SCOTUS and the Ohio Supreme Court, and major decisions from the Ohio appellate districts, and What's Up in the 8th on Tuesdays, analyzing the 8th District's body of work from the previous week. We'll be adding one more feature, although on a less regular basis, which I'll call The Clinic for now. Sometimes it'll inform you of the law on some subject or procedure. Other times I'll just talk about some of my experiences as a lawyer. And not necessarily successful ones; next week we'll talk about my getting fired by a client.

There's also going to be a slight change in the look. It's weird. I've been doing this blog for over six years now, and this is what I have; I don't even have a web site. And nobody's going to accuse me of being overly self-promotional; you can't even find my address or phone number on this blog.

That's going to change, but no so much here. I will have a website, which will be linked in to here. Just click a button, where you'll be transported to a place where I will explain that I have a special set of skills which are very dangerous to a man -- whoops, that's Liam Neeson's speech in Taken -- where I will explain why it's a good idea to call me if you've got an appeal or you're a lawyer who wants a thorough legal analysis of a big case.

Otherwise, stick around here and we'll talk about law and being lawyers.
