Tomorrow, it will be exactly five years since I did my first post on this blog. By the way, the rainbow decoration on the cake isn't some subliminal message that I'm really gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The stats say this is my 1,224th post. I really wasn't too sure what I wanted to do when I started, other than take care of my writing jones and maybe provide a resource for sole and small firm practitioners. I'd originally planned on doing more civil stuff; in fact, my very first post was on contractual arbitration provisions. But I enjoy criminal law more, and my focus has shifted to that.
Sometimes, this is a pain to do. It takes me about twelve hours a week. I do "day in the life" stuff every now and then, and although my views should be apparent to those who read this regularly -- and in answer to your questions, yes, I do carry a bucket around for my bleeding heart -- I don't really use this blog as a pulpit for my opinions. Mostly, it's legal stuff; I probably read more cases than any lawyer in Ohio who isn't paid to read cases. I try to make it interesting, and if I could change the subtitle of the blog, it'd be "case analysis with attitude."
Anyway, I've had a good time here. I doubt there'll be a 10th birthday, and, who knows, there may not even be a 6th. We'll take it a year at a time. I've enjoyed this, and thanks for being around to help me do that.