Multimedia Edition

As they used to say on SCTV, "it blowed up real good."

In this case, it was my computer.  There I was on Thursday evening, writing a blog post/working on my Great American Novel/playing Civ5 with the Brave New World expansion pack.  I'd noticed that the fan in my computer would make a whirring sound every now and then, and I'd gotten a diagnostics message that my hard drive was on the brink of failure, but since that message had been popping up for a while -- like, oh, the last year and a half -- I figured it was old news.

Then, as the Chambers Brothers sang, Time Has Come Today:

And then there was a sound like something had shortened out, and my computer up and died.  And fried; I could smell something burning.

This probably won't surprise you, but I'm very computer-dependent.  I immediately got on the Dell site and ordered another computer, coughing up $109 for next-day delivery.  Since I ordered after 3:00, the computer wouldn't be there until Monday, but I could bring my work one home for the weekend,  Which I did, knocking out the blog posts for Monday and Tuesday.

Apparently, though, "next day delivery" has a different meaning for FedEx.  The computer arrived at their Cleveland warehouse on Sunday night, and there it sat all day Monday, not even working its way onto a truck.

act in hast.pngIt did arrive on Tuesday, at which point I was reminded of the slogan, "act in haste, regret at leisure."  The computer didn't have the advanced graphics card which allows me to have two programs open -- word processor and internet browser, usually -- side by side, and it was as slow as Justice Pfeifer asking a question in oral argument before the Ohio Supreme Court. And, of course, it's not like you can just sit down at a new computer and start up.  You have to install the programs, download stuff, go through the updates, set up your mail accounts...

All of this, of course, is a roundabout way of telling you that I don't have a post ready for today.  The good news is that I've figured out how to implant videos in my posts, and I can now spice up my posts with more graphical eye candy.

Of course, the bad news is that I've figured out how to implant videos in my posts, and I can now spice up my posts with more graphical eye candy.  And so, poor reader, instead of absorbing, sponge-like, my insightful and provocative comments about Ohio criminal law, you'll waste your time watching 25-year-old videos of TV shows and concerts.

See you tomorrow, where I have to come up with a video that is at least loosely tied in to the concept of mens rea.  
